New Member Application

Join the Bertie Business Network.

The Bertie Business Network Inc. is a nonprofit organization created to provide resources, technical assistance, and support to small businesses, with an emphasis on businesses in Bertie County.

Select your Membership:
Affiliated Membership $40/yr.
● Member Vendor Discount ● Access to Monthly Meetings
● Access to Listserv

Exclusive Membership $50/yr.
● Member Discount. ● Access to Monthly Meetings. ● Access to Listserv ● Listed on Web Directory. ● Small Business Conference 50% Off Voucher. ● 4 Sessions 1:1 Business Coaching Annually (1 per quarter)

Coming Soon for Exclusive Members:
● BBN Leadership Institute. ● Sponsorship Training. ● Targeted Learning Cohorts & More!

Applicant Acknowledgement:
1. I understand that as an active member of the Network, I am responsible for the annual membership fee.

2. Upon my approved application, membership fees are due by February 1st and are not prorated.

By submitting this application, I agree to the acknowledgement.

© 2023. All rights reserved.